UAE: Signing of the Beijing Treaty
The United Arab Emirates recently signed the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisiual Performances. The treaty regulates copyright for audiovisual performances and expands the performers' rights. Other signatories in ...
Iraq: Accession to the Singapore Treaty
Iraq has recently acceded to the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. The treaty will enter into force on November 29, 2014 and will establish common ...
MENA: Stitching the Seams to Protect the Fashion Industry
Innovation and creativity are penchants of the fashion industry; an industry that dictates style worldwide. A fashion item may even transcend its physical form and be hailed ...
Qatar: Cracking Down on Cybercrime
Qatar issued Law no. 14 of 2014 in an effort to combat cybercrime and set punishments for offences committed on the Internet. The law also alludes to ...
Libya: Patent Office Resumes Normal Operations
The Libyan Patent Office has resumed operations as of September 15, 2014. There are indications that the Trademark Office may follow suit. We will be closely monitoring ...
Libya: Trademark and Patent Offices Expected to Resume Operations
In the wake of the ongoing unrest in Libya, the Trademark and Patent Offices have closed for the second time since 2011. However, given that tensions have ...
Oman: Substantive Examination of Patent Applications
The Omani and the Egyptian Patent Offices signed a memorandum of understanding on September 10, 2014 in which the two offices will work together towards the development ...
Kuwait: Accession to the Berne Convention
Kuwait acceded to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works on September 2, 2014. The Convention will enter into force on December 2, ...
Kuwait: Accession to the Paris Convention
Kuwait became the 176th country to accede to the Paris Convention on September 2, 2014. The Convention will enter into force on December 2, 2014. With Kuwait’s ...