Jordan has experienced a significant surge in trademark and patent registrations over the past year. According to the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply, trademark registrations increased by 69% in 2023, reaching a total of 8,521 new trademarks. Patent registrations also saw a remarkable rise, jumping from 54 in 2022 to 157 in 2023, reflecting a 191% increase.

This substantial growth highlights Jordan’s commitment to fostering innovation and protecting intellectual property (IP) rights. The Ministry processed 130 applications for industrial designs and models, including 100 domestic and 30 foreign applications, which is a 6% increase from the previous year. Additionally, 66 registration certificates for industrial designs or models were issued.

The Ministry also reported robust activity in renewals and transactions related to IP. There were 6,568 trademark renewals and 613 patent renewals, along with 2,000 transactions related to trademark ownership transfers or mergers and 1,410 legal modifications on trademarks by the end of 2023.
Embracing digitalization, the Ministry saw a substantial increase in electronic transactions, receiving 28,885 e-transactions in 2023, marking an 86% rise compared to the previous year. Initiatives to promote IP rights among women through the Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship project also showed positive results, including the registration of a collective mark under the Petra Development Authority.

These efforts are part of Jordan’s broader strategy to enhance its IP framework and support small and medium-sized enterprises, as outlined in the Economic Modernization Vision (2023-2025). The Ministry’s proactive approach in raising IP awareness and facilitating access to IP data underscores its commitment to nurturing a culture of innovation and excellence in Jordan.

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