The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made significant strides in enforcing intellectual property rights, particularly against counterfeit goods, showcasing its commitment to protecting creators’ rights and fostering a secure environment for innovation. In the first quarter of 2024, Dubai Customs seized over 4.36 million counterfeit items valued at approximately AED 5.43 million.

The UAE’s robust legal framework for IP enforcement includes both civil and criminal actions. Civil enforcement allows IP owners to seek injunctions, damages, and other remedies through the courts, while criminal enforcement can result in fines, imprisonment, and the destruction of counterfeit goods. The UAE Trademark Law, Consumer Protection Law, and other relevant legislation provide the basis for these actions.

Border enforcement is another critical component of the UAE’s strategy. Local Customs authorities, supported by the Federal Customs Authority, actively monitor and seize counterfeit goods at entry points. These measures ensure that counterfeit products are confiscated and either destroyed or re-exported, thereby protecting legitimate businesses and consumers.

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